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Appointment made to Assistant Curator role

Te Papa has appointed Andrew Stewart to the role of Assistant Curator, vertebrates.

With Te Papa’s support, Mr Stewart will undertake further study, to gain qualifications necessary for the new role, which will complement his experience in the field.

Fish expert Andrew Stewart introduces visitors to the colossal squid in Te Papa’s fish research facility, 2016. Photograph by Kate Whitley. Te Papa

Te Papa’s Director of Collections and Research, Dr Dean Peterson, said the museum was pleased to be able to offer Mr Stewart an ongoing role at Te Papa.

“We have worked with Mr Stewart to find a way forward that works for him, and for the museum,” Dr Peterson says.

“This approach means the museum can retain Mr Stewart’s knowledge and experience, and also ensure we can meet international expectations to have appropriately qualified staff in these important research roles.”

Dr Peterson said the museum was building a strong, modern science team for the future.

“We are excited about the research strength that we are building,” says Dr Peterson.

“We have created new roles for highly-qualified taxonomic researchers, who can unlock the secrets of the collections.”

Dr Peterson acknowledged that this had been a challenging process for staff, and thanked them for their professionalism.

“Making changes may not always be comfortable in the short term, but it is the right thing to do for the future.”

Mr Stewart said that he was pleased to be able to continue his work with the fish collections.

“I appreciate the opportunity to undertake further study and I am looking forward to continuing my work at Te Papa, in a new role of Assistant Curator,” says Mr Stewart.

Mr Stewart has been confirmed into the role of Assistant Curator, effective immediately. He will now work with the museum to determine what the appropriate course of study will be.

The role of Collection Manager formerly held by Mr Stewart was disestablished by the museum in 2018.

Neither party will be commenting further on the arrangements reached.


Media contact: Kate Camp, Te Papa spokesperson, 029 601 0180,