How to host your own hautapu at home
Prepare your own hautapu ceremony at home with your whānau by following the steps below.
The whāngai i te hautapu ceremony is one of the ways to acknowledge the rising of Matariki by gathering together with whānau, remembering loved ones, and looking to the promise of a New Year.
It can be as simple or as elaborate as you want! You might decide to prepare an umu kohukohu whetū (hāngī), cook your kai in the oven, or even use a pot on a gas burner outside. The important thing is selecting the right kai for your hautapu, and making sure there’s steam to release.
Kai (food) at Te Papa’s Matariki hautapu, 2 Jul 2021. Photo by Wiremu Grace. Te Papa
Selecting the right kai
Before your hautapu you need to plan and prepare your kai.
Four stars of the Matariki cluster are connected to the kai that you will be cooking. Here are a few suggestions of what kai you might like to select for each star:
Tipuānuku: food from the earth
kūmara (traditionally these were selected)
rīwai | potato
kāreti | carrot
Tipuārangi: food from the sky
heihei | chicken
tītī | muttonbird
hua rākau | berries
Waitī: food from freshwater such as rivers
tuna | eel
kēwai | freshwater crayfish
wātakirihi | watercress
Waitā: food from the ocean
tāmure | snapper
any type of shellfish
karengo | seaweed
If all you can gather is one or two of these, or you can only find some of these at your local supermarket, then kei te pai!
Preparing your umu or cooker
Once you’ve gathered your kai from the different domains you’ll want to place it all in your umu or pot. If you’re cooking it in the oven, use an oven tray and put tinfoil over the top to cook it.
You want to give yourself enough time for the kai to be cooked by the time Matariki is visible in the sky.
Commencement of your hautapu ceremony
Before the sun rises, gather everyone together and begin by reciting the Matariki karakia. There are 10 karakia to be recited, and each one has a specific purpose.
The order is as follows:
waere (a karakia to clear the area)
Download a booklet of karakia from
The karakia in the above booklet are a truncated version of a much larger ceremony that is conducted during the Māori New Year to acknowledge Matariki. Still, these karakia follow the same structure as the more elaborate ceremony, and they hold the same intent.
At the completion of the karakia to Pōhutukawa and the calling of the names, uncover your umu or pot to let the steam rise into the sky as an offering to Matariki.
The remaining karakia can then be recited to complete the ceremony.
This brings an end to the Matariki ceremony and it’s now time for celebrations and fun!
An appropriate haka to complete the ceremony and acknowledge the hautapu is the following:
E te kōkōmako e te kōkōmako
Ko te hautapu e rite ki te kai nā Matariki!
Tapa reireia koia tapa! Tapa konunua koiana tukua
Hī auē hī!
Mānawatia a Matariki!