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Protecting beach birds, PihaTe tiaki manu moana, Piha

Dotterels (tūturiwhatu) have only started nesting in Piha in the last two years. This community are building nest covers for the dotterel nests. Vehicles and dogs can destroy nests, so these covers make the public more aware of nest locations.


I ngā tau e rua kua pahure kua tīmata ngā tūturiwhatu ki te whakatū kōhanga ki Piha. Kei te hanga tēnei hapori i ngā uhi mā ngā kōhanga o ngā tūturiwhatu. Ka pāhorotia ngā kōhanga e ngā motukā me ngā kurī, nā ēnei uhi ka āta kite ngā tāngata i ngā kōhanga.

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This project is part of Te Taiao | Nature at Te Papa.