Te whakaaturanga o Te Maori – Toi Māori ki te aoTe Maori exhibition – Toi Māori on the world stage

Ko Te Maori tonu he kaupapa i whakaara i te ahurea Māori, i noho hoki hei matapihi mō tāwāhi ki ngā taonga Māori. Atu i te tau 1984 ki te tau 1986 ka tāpoi te whakaaturanga i Amerika, ā, i te hokinga mai ka tapaina ko Te Maori: Te Hokinga Mai The Return Home.   

E riakina ana te whakaaturanga o Te Maori i tōna panoni i ngā whakariterite a ngā whare taonga me ngā taiwhanga toi i ngā taonga Māori.

Ko tōna 174 o ngā taonga a ngā iwi i tāwharautia ki ngā whare taonga puta noa i te motu. O ēnei taonga, 38 i noho ki te National Museum, arā, te mātārere o Te Papa.  


From 1984 to 1986, theTe Maori exhibition was a pivotal moment in Māori cultural revival showcasing traditional artwork on the international stage. It toured the United States from 1984 to 1986, then when it returned home, it toured Aotearoa New Zealand as Te Maori: Te Hokinga Mai The Return Home.

Te Maori is widely acclaimed as an exhibition that changed the way that museums and art galleries interpreted and managed taonga Māori.

The exhibition consisted of 174 taonga from different iwi that were in New Zealand museums throughout Aotearoa. Of these taonga, 38 came from the National Museum, the predecessor of Te Papa.

Te Maori and Te Māori Te Hokinga Mai – The return home

Kōrero and responses to Te Maori