Free museum entry for New Zealanders and people living in New Zealand

New Zealand Certificate in Museum PracticeTe whai tohu

Turn your museum experience into a recognised qualification with the New Zealand Certificate in Museum Practice.

About the qualification

This is an entry-level qualification for people working or volunteering in museums. You’ll get a broad understanding of museum practice through self-paced, accessible modules. You’ll have 18 months to complete the qualification.

Units include:

  • demonstrating knowledge of the role of Māori in museums US20545

  • demonstrating knowledge of safety and security required in museums US 20547

  • demonstrating knowledge of museums and responsibilities of the museum sector in Aotearoa New Zealand US20554.

The qualification is administrated by ServiceIQ, an industry-based training organisation.

Read about the New Zealand Certificate in Museum Practice at ServiceIQ


Does your organisation have a workplace assessor?


It’s free. Ask your human resources department for advice.


ServiceIQ offers two options:

  • Email support from ServiceIQ Training Advisors, $200 plus GST

  • Monthly visits for the duration of your qualification, $60 per month plus GST

Enrol now

Contact ServiceIQ to enrol.

National Services Te Paerangi’s role

  • We promote the New Zealand Certificate in Museum Practice throughout the country.

  • ServiceIQ trainees attending National Services Te Paerangi (NSTP) courses get credit towards the certificate.

Our staff are trained assessors for the qualification. We work with ServiceIQ to offer training, support, and assessment around New Zealand. We also sit on the Museum Training Council, providing advice on matters related to museum training and professional development.

Not sure? Contact us

We can help you decide whether the New Zealand Certificate in Museum Practice is right for you. Talk to us:

Victoria Esson, Manager National Services Te Paerangi
Phone: (04) 381 7293 or toll-free 0508 678 743

Or contact ServiceIQ to enrol.