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Borrowing and lending objectsTe taurewa taonga

When borrowing from other institutions, you should assure the lender their taonga will:

  • be displayed adequately

  • receive appropriate care and security

  • have copyright issues respected

  • be returned appropriately.

Managing loans

Here are a guide and two tools from National Services Te Paerangi to help you keep track of incoming and outgoing loans.

Managing loans

This guide offers practical advice to museums, art galleries, other cultural heritage organisations, and iwi about managing loans effectively – as both borrowers and lenders.

Managing Loans – He Rauemi Resource Guide (1.02 MB)


Outgoing loan agreement template (57.34 KB)

Incoming loan agreement template (57.34 KB)

Borrowing from Te Papa

To borrow Te Papa collection items for research purposes or exhibitions, visit the relevant page:

Borrowing for an exhibition

Borrowing specimens for research