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Electronic Flora of New Zealand: ferns and lycophytes

Te Papa researchers: Patrick Brownsey and Leon Perrie

Cover page from Lycopodiaceae fascicle.

The Electronic Flora of New Zealand is a joint project with Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research to produce an online resource documenting and illustrating the indigenous and naturalised plants of the New Zealand Botanical Region. In addition to the continuously updated online Flora, there are pdfs for every family, which are the publications of record. We are writing treatments for 32 families, 73 genera, c. 200 indigenous species, and over 50 naturalised species of ferns and lycophytes. The project is expected to be completed by June 2021.

Access Fascicle 27 – June 2020

Guide to the Lycopodiaceae of New Zealand (15.86 MB)

Each treatment includes names, descriptions, keys, distributions, habitat information, recognition and general notes for each taxon, and illustrations of critical features for every species. Descriptions of new taxa and revisions of poorly understood groups are being published in advance of the Flora. In addition, over 120 lectotypes have been designated for basionyms relevant to the New Zealand flora not previously typified.

Blechnum colensoi. Photo Leon Perrie. Te Papa

Cheilanthes sieberi. Photo by Leon Perrie

Representative publications:

Brownsey PJ, Perrie LR. 2018. Aspleniaceae. Flora of New Zealand: Ferns and Lycophytes 18.

Brownsey PJ, Perrie LR. 2020. Taxonomic notes on the New Zealand flora: lectotypes in Pteridaceae. New Zealand Journal of Botany 58: 245-254.

Perrie LR, Shepherd LD, Field AR, Brownsey PJ. 2019. Morphological and genetic evidence for the separation of Phlegmariurus billardierei from P. varius (Lycopodiaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany 58: 118-128.