Free museum entry for New Zealanders and people living in New Zealand

Resources and reports

Access guides, reports, and other useful material provided by National Services Te Paerangi.

He Rauemi Resource Guides

Download our useful guides for museums, galleries, and iwi groups, or order print copies by filling in the form below and sending it to

Order form: Publications, Resources, and Reports (119.30 KB)


Working with the Media (963.43 KB)

Tapping into Funding Sources (1.96 MB)

Know Your Visitors (1.83 MB)

Introduction to Visitor Surveys (1.12 MB)

Preventative Conservation (1.13 MB)

Minimising Disaster (1.09 MB)

Emergency Procedures (275.10 KB)

A Guide to Guardians of Iwi Treasures | He Tohu ki ngā Kaitiaki o ngā Taonga-ā-iwi (770.55 KB)

Copyright and Museums (4.71 MB)

Exhibitions at Your Place (2.00 MB)

Developing a Training Plan (includes museum training plan templates) (1.47 MB)

Training Evaluation (843.68 KB)

Valuing Collections (646.38 KB)

Developing a Strategic Plan (948.95 KB)

Making Sponsorship Work for You (833.89 KB)

Developing Your Collection: Acquisition and Deaccession Policies (748.84 KB)

Deciding on Digital Tools for Collection Management (563.16 KB)

Caring for Māori Textiles | Tiakitanga o te Kahu Āku (3.51 MB)

Developing a Marketing Plan (1.28 MB)

Developing Business Cases for Museum Projects (1.59 MB)

Bicultural Governance (1.96 MB)

Managing Loans (1.02 MB)

Caring for Textiles and Clothing (1.19 MB)

Customer Service (461.56 KB)

Condition Reporting (395.87 KB)

Exhibition Display Techniques (2.22 MB)

Writing Effective Interpretive Text (885.63 KB)

Working with Volunteers (3.82 MB)

Feasibility Studies (543.27 KB)

Mātauranga Māori and Museum Practice (1.43 MB)

Planning a New Museum (3.08 MB)

Working Effectively with Local Government (286.61 KB)

Governance Guidelines (511.06 KB)

Museum Security (5.59 MB)

Disaster Preparedness (1.74 MB)


These reports, created by National Services Te Paerangi, are available on request.

Order form: Publications, Resources, and Reports (119.30 KB)

Free to download

Report on the New Zealand Museums Standards Scheme (2015) (745.09 KB)

Working together, building success: Highlights from National Services Te Paerangi 2008–2009 (2010) (5.31 MB)

Available on request

Mātauranga Māori and Museum Practice: A Discussion (2007)
This report follows on from our He Rauemi Resource Guide of the same name. Written by Dr Charles Royal, it will be useful to those who are seeking a more detailed explanation of mātauranga Māori and what it embodies.
Cost: $20

Kaitiaki Māori Training Needs Analysis (2003)
This report is designed as a companion document to the training framework, and looks at the training needs and priorities of the sector from the perspective of kaitiaki Māori (Māori guardians).
Cost: $2.50

Selected Bibliography of Resource Information for Iwi and Bicultural Development with Regard to Museums and Cultural Heritage (2003)
This bibliography identifies key information resources for iwi and bicultural development with regard to museums and cultural heritage, including international material.
Cost: Free

Enterprising Museums (2002)
Through six case studies, this report explores factors influencing the degree to which people involved in New Zealand museums exhibit enterprising behaviours.
Cost: Free

Museums Online: Finding Museums Everywhere (2002)
This report explores museum websites and related portal developments, and development options for the current New Zealand Museums Online websites.
Cost: Free

Costs and Benefits of the Investors in People Standards – A Pilot Project in Two Museums (2001)
This report summarises costs, benefits, and key factors affecting the process and outcomes for museums in achieving the Investors in People Standard.
Cost: Free

Exhibiting Enterprise – Generating Income in New Zealand Museums (2001)
This report is a resource for those governing and managing museums, and a basis for partnership projects supporting museums to generate additional revenue.
Cost: Free

Improving Bicultural Relationships – a Case Study (2000)
This case study explores the development of a sound working relationship between the Gisborne Museum and the C Company 28 Māori Battalion.
Cost: Free

The Trial of the New Zealand Museums Standards Scheme 1999/2000 (2000)
This report evaluates one stage in the development of a standards scheme for New Zealand museums, a trial involving 14 museums.
Cost: Free

He Wānanga Tirohanga Rangapū mō Te Kaupapa Tikanga-ā-rua i roto i ngā Whare Taonga | Wānanga on Bicultural Development in Museums (1999)
This report summarises the main points expressed at a 1999 wānanga (forum) on bicultural development in museums.
Cost: Free

National Training Framework for Museums | Te Anga Kaiako ā Iwi mō ngā Whare Taonga ō te Motu (1999)
This report helps identify staff training needs. Managers can use it to develop training plans and to access national training programmes as these become available.
Cost: Free

Te Kaupapa Tikanga-ā-rua i roto i ngā Whare Taonga ō Aotearoa: Anei ko te Huarahi | Bicultural Developments in Museums of Aotearoa: A Way Forward (1999)
This report looks at the potential to develop regional strategies for bicultural development in the museum sector.
Cost: Free

Toward a New Zealand Museums Standards Scheme (1999)
This report describes the 1997–98 feasibility study, which drew on research into overseas museum standards programmes, standards programmes in other New Zealand sectors, and consultation with the museum sector.
Cost: Free

Wānanga on Bicultural Governance and Leadership in Museums | He Wānanga Tirohanga Rangapū mō Te Kaupapa Tikanga-ā-rua I roto i Ngā Whare Taonga (1999)
This wānanga (forum) focused on governance and leadership. Four case studies illustrate the range of approaches taken by museums forming bicultural relationships with iwi.
Cost: Free

Ki te Whakamana i te Kaupapa Tikanga-a-rua ki roto i ngā Whare Taonga o te Motu: Kei hea e tū ana? | Bicultural Developments in Museums of Aotearoa: What is the current status? (1997)
This report focuses on bicultural partnership within New Zealand museums, and provides resources to inform future bicultural development.
Cost: Free

Museums’ Marketing Needs – Research Report (1997)
The objective of this research is to determine the information and training needs of the New Zealand museum community in relation to marketing.
Cost: Free

Museums’ Training Framework – Building a stronger museum sector (1997)
This report describes the methodology, findings, and implications of the Museums Training Framework project, and presents a model for decision-making about training for the museum sector.
Cost: Free

The Copyright Act 1994 – A manual for New Zealand museums (1997)
This report is a guide to the Act as it affects general museum operations. It clarifies possible legal issues, and guides museums in developing copyright policies and implementation strategies.
Cost: $7.50

The marketing mix: promoting museums, galleries & exhibitions (1995)
This book discusses methods of promoting museums, galleries, and exhibitions.
Cost: $15

Other resources

Object receipt form book

Make accurate records of received objects with our object receipt form book. It provides three carbon copies – one for the donor, one for the museum’s records, and one to remain with the object until it has been catalogued.

View a sample object receipt form (192.40 KB)

Cost: One free copy per organisation. Additional copies $15 each.

Disaster preparedness poster

Help your museum prepare for, respond to, and recover from the impact of a disaster with our disaster preparedness poster (A2 size).

Download the disaster preparedness poster (927.96 KB)

Cost: One free copy per organisation. Additional copies $15 each.


Contact us to place an order

Phone: 0508 678 743